A booklet in electronic version will include the abstracts of DIFFSANCHEZ70. Texts should not exceed one page. The acceptable format for the text is: TeX, LaTeX.
You should compile your code using the class defined for this purpose, that you can download here: diffsanchez.cls. We provide an example file in different formats: latex code, pdf format.
If there are two or more co-authors, do not forget to indicate the speaker by underlining him. Alternatively, you can mention your co-authors at the end of the abstract.
When submitting your abstract, please rename it as: Lastname_Firstname.tex and send us both a tex file and a pdf file.
Submit the abstracts by sending to the E-mail address diffsanchez70@fc.ul.pt
Deadline for an abstract submission: May 31, 2019.
If you are not a Plenary Speaker or a Confirmed Lecturer, you will be notified about acceptance of your contributed talk by June 14, 2019.
Book of Abstracts
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